MLB New Rules Campaign:

Change is hard. Especially when it comes to baseball. When America’s game introduced new rules to make the game faster and more appealing to a younger demographic, it risked alienating the current fanbase. The solution was to communicate the changes in a conversational way that highlighted the benefits in a tone that spoke to the skeptical older fan.

Conribution: Concept / Copywriting / Art Direction

The Bank of America Winter Olympic Sponsorship Campaign:

Being able to say that you are “The official Bank of The United States Winter Olympics” is a great story to tell. The creative challenge was to find ways to break through the clutter of sponsorship ads that tend to use expected imagery and share a similar tone.

The print campaign used a fanciful combination of athlete in bank setting. Adaptations of the print ads also appeared on billboards and online.

Each TV commercial imagines what it would be like if BofA workers tried out for Olympic winter sports.*

The Bank of America used its Olympic sponsorship as an anchor for a yearlong $60-million advertising campaign.

*Stunt actors portray the employees. Rest assured that no actual bankers were harmed during the filming.

Contribution: Concept / Art Direction / Design


GRIP Print Campaign:

Workers Compensation Insurance is essential to those in the construction business. Getting hurt on the job is an unfortunate reality, as is dealing with complicated paperwork. Often, workers choose to not get insurance at all. In typical category advertising, copy about premiums, claims, and refunds… the messaging can get confusing or worse-dull.

This print ad campaign for GRIP made a complex message simple by showing a comparison: Go it alone, or sign on with GRIP. GRIP cuts through the red tape to get money in your pocket faster.

Modified stock images work within the existing brand and created a strong visual campaign with minimum budget.

Contribution: Concept / Art Direction / Design

King County Metro
Direct Mail Campaign:

Does anyone enjoy commuting to work? It seems like there are no good options…public transportation can be unpleasant, and driving in yourself is expensive and terribly monotonous. If only there was a better way that combines the comfort of driving a private vehicle with the affordability of the bus. Enter the King County Metro Vanpool! This small batch Direct Mail execution was sent to Human Resource Departments in companies located in South Lake Union, East Lake, Capitol Hill and Bellevue. A friendly suitcase covered in travel stickers was stocked with posters to share designed to look like vintage WPA travel posters. There was also a letter via “Van Mail” that described the benefits of signing up. The posters were a fun way to entice commuters to consider traveling to and from the Exotic Eastside to Downtown Seattle in Vanpool style! This effective direct mail execution boosted Vanpool membership and won a Silver Big M award for Marketing Excellence. It’s also a reminder that Direct Mail doesn’t have to look like a crinkled up postcard that you find hidden under last month’s ValuPack.

Contribution: Art Direction

Carlsberg Beer Environmental Campaign

The beer category is crowded-how do you make yet another import stand out? Fake passports were created and deliberately “dropped” in bars, cabs, busses, and streets. When found- the passport served as an introduction to Carlsberg and invited the lucky consumer to “Drink with a world of friends.” This campaign was covered in The New York Post, Adweek, and AdAge. The client was so pleased with the results of this effort, the agency was awarded the opportunity to create a national commercial that ran in what I affectionately call “Deep Cable” during the election season. As they say in Bulgaria, “Nazdrave”!

Contribution: Concept / Art Direction leads an initiative to have the victims of 9/11 memorialized by establishing the date as a National Day of Service within communities. The following video was created to circulate and build momentum for this idea.

Contribution: Concept / Art Direction / Public Relations


Bank of America In Store Poster Campaign

A benefit of belonging to the largest national bank is that BOA has the most ATM’s in the country. That means less money in fees for using non BOA ATM’s. This poster campaign served as a fun reminder that no matter where you roam, a Bank of America ATM is nearby. It may look expensive, but it was produced through stock images and the magic of Photoshop.

Contribution: Concept / Art Direction / Design